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Варрен 9. Английская Индия в 1843 г, Ч. 1—3. М. 1845.

Atkinson E. Th. Statistical descriptive and historical account of the North-Western provinces of India. Vol. 1—4. Allahabad 1876

A collection оГ treaties, engagements and sanads relating to India and neghbouving countries. Compiled by G. U. Aitchison. 4 th ed. Vol. 1—13.Calcutta 1909.

Panjab on the eve of first Sikh war. A documentary study of the political, social and economic conditions of the Panjab. Ed. with notes and introd. by H. R. Gupta. Hoshiarpur 1956.

Private correspondence relating to the Anglo—Sikh wars. Ed. with an introd. by G. Singh. Amritsar—Patiala 1955.

Sleeman W. H. Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. New ed. Vol. 1—2. London 1893. [lst ed. 1844.]

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